Tuesday 24 December 2019

What Is The Most Effective Natural And Ayurvedic Treatment For Arthritis?

Arthritis is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disease causing damage to joints and connective tissues. It is a very common disease but is still not well understood. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions. People of all ages, sexes and races can and do have arthritis. More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children have some type of arthritis. It is most common among women and occurs more frequently as people get older.

Common arthritis joint symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. Symptoms may come and go. They can be mild, moderate or severe. They may progress or get worse over time. Severe arthritis can result in chronic pain, inability to do daily activities and make it difficult to walk or climb stairs. Arthritis can cause permanent joint changes. These changes may be visible, such as knobby finger joints, but often the damage can only be seen on X-ray. Some types of arthritis also affect the heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys, and as well as the skin.

Arthritis is the most common ailment for which people take Ayurvedic treatment. An ayurvedic practitioner prescribes a combination of good diet and healthy eating, herbal remedies, exercise and a spiritual outlook to the patient. Ayurvedic treatment for arthritis can help to ease your very painful condition but all of the above methods should be done in moderation that suits your needs and health.

Natural and Ayurvedic Treatment for Arthritis

According to Ayurveda, most chronic disorders result from a build-up of impurities that interfere with the delicate biochemistry of the body and block its proper functioning. Ayurvedic treatments work at a deep level to cleanse the body of toxins and restore a healthy balance.

When the condition is particularly chronic or severe, Ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis can greatly reduce its debilitating effects or help prevent it from getting any worse.

If its nature is medium-level chronic, Ayurveda can help to reverse the disease process, leading to a state of remission. In many cases, Ayurveda can actually offer a cure. Because the disease process is very well understood, Ayurvedic arthritis treatment can be applied that effect change at the root cause of the disease.

In both cases of arthritis, strengthening Agni and removing Ama is the immediate concern. Without this, any other treatment will be of little effect. This is achieved by following a special diet that allows the Agni to become stronger and the body to begin eliminating excess toxins. In fact, vast improvements can be made in terms of inflammation, pain, swelling and stiffness just by diligently following the correct diet.

Herbal Remedies:

Diet modification: Avoid hot and spicy food, and other foodstuffs like dairy foods, potato, eggplant cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, okra, potatoes etc. Consume plenty of fruits, fruit Juices, homemade soups, green salads and green vegetables.

Massage: Hot baths, compresses or massage with massage oils such as Almond oil, Sesame oil is beneficial in arthritic pain as it reduces vata. Massage vigorously on the most severely affected areas for full benefits.

Physical exercise and yoga: Exercise in moderation daily, too much exercise can cause further aggravation to your arthritic condition.

Take your Ayurvedic medicine on time: Taking prescribed herbal mediation on regular basis will help you combat arthritis soon and efficiently.

What is The Most Effective Diet To Avoid Fatty Liver Disease?

Fatty liver disease, or hepatic steatosis, refers to excessive fat accumulation in the liver. Fatty liver is of two types: alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It tends to damage the liver, inhibiting it from removing toxins and producing bile for the digestive system, which are the most important functions of the liver.

Obesity, and other medical conditions such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes, are risk factors for the development of Fatty Liver Disease.  In the long run it can cause inflammation and injury to the liver cells, therefore, increases the risk towards more serious conditions like scarring of the liver, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. 

Fatty Liver Disease: Symptoms

Fatty liver has no particular associated symptoms. Some of the common symptoms may include fatigue or abdominal discomfort. Diagnosis may show an enlarged liver. Excess fat in the liver can cause inflammation, which can further cause symptoms including:

·           Fatigue
·           Confusion
·           Abdominal pain
·           Weight loss
·           Loss of appetite
·           Physical weakness

In severe cases, there are chances of developing an enlarged abdomen, jaundice and a tendency to bleed more easily.

Fatty Liver Disease: Causes

The most important cause of this disease seems to be obesity or diabetes as over 65% of people with diabetes also look to be reporting fatty liver. Another common cause of fatty liver disease is alcoholism or binge-drinking. Here are some other reasons that may cause the condition:

·           Obesity
·           Diabetes
·           Eating a high-fat and high-sugar diet
·           Genetic inheritance
·           Rapid weight loss
·           Side effects of medication
·           High levels of fat in the blood

Fatty liver diet: What should one eat to cure fatty liver disease?

Dietary habits are significantly associated with health state. A correct diet, associated with a healthy lifestyle may in fact contribute to the maintenance of a healthy human body and may help cure both alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases naturally. 

Eating plenty of good quality fruits and vegetables provides adequate nutrition to your body and also help you reduce the amount of fat. Consuming a low-fat diet rich in vitamin E, vitamin D, and Omega 3 fatty acids, such as, fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil and fish and almost no meat could help cure fatty liver disease along with physical exercises. 

What foods should I limit or avoid?

What should you eat or avoid depends on the type of liver disease and other health problems you have.
·           Sodium: You may need to decrease the amount of sodium in your diet if your body is retaining fluids. When you retain fluids, you will have swelling in your body. Avoid taking table salt, meats, canned vegetables and juice, frozen dinners, soya products, and soups.

·           Liquids: You may also have to drink fewer liquids if you have swelling. Liquids include water, milk, juice, soda, and other beverages.

·           Alcohol: Avoid alcohol because it may make your liver disease worse.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Fatty Liver Disease:

According to the Ayurvedic system, the disease is caused by imbalances between the three types of doshas – vata, pitta and kapha.  It prescribes the treatment of liver problems like fatty liver with a combination of dietary and lifestyle modifications and herbal remedies. Aim of the treatment is the correction of vitiated Pitha, Dhatwagnis and removal of blockage of subtle channels which carry medas or fat tissue.

Vital herbs such as triphala, giloy, guduchi, haldi, haritaki, neem, bhumyamalaki, amalaki, katuki, lauha bhasma, bhringaraja, pippali, bibhitaki, have been proven to be highly effective in cure of liver disorders. These herbs are very useful in maintaining the health of liver and other body organs as well.

When taken as prescribed these herbs in effective combination rectify liver ailments, remove excessive accumulated fat in the liver, regulate blood flow, eliminate toxins, boost immunity, and reduce inflammation. The combination is also helpful in treatment of jaundice, anaemia, hepatitis, gall bladder stones, and loss of appetite.

Saturday 9 November 2019

Why Ayurvedic Medicines for Piles are Considered the Best?

Piles- An Overview

Piles, also known as haemorrhoids, is  a  condition  in  which  the  veins  at  the  lower  end  of  the  rectum  become  inflamed  and  enlarged. These are often caused by chronic constipation, hard and knotty slots, intake of spices, wines, meats and also by poor or absent physical activity. It can be either dry or bleeding. Dry piles are more painful, while bleeding piles render a person weaker.

Pregnant ladies, elderly persons, sedentary persons who eat enormously and quite often but do no exercise, or the person taking above-mentioned dietary items, are more prone to piles. 

Persistent complaint may cause other complications also, such as fissures, cancerous growths, pain, swelling, smarting etc. Therefore, it becomes really necessary to get the successful treatment without any delay.

When it comes to various options available to treat piles in the best way, Ayurveda is the most trusted and opted choice by various patients around the world. Let’s get to understand why Ayurveduc medicine for piles is considered the best.

Piles- Best Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda is an ancient medical science which was developed in India thousands of years ago. It is the world's oldest comprehensive health care system and is indigenous to India where it is widely practiced.

According to Ayurveda, piles mean Arsha, which literally means enemy. As  per  Ayurveda, due to the accumulation of toxins in the digestive system and too  much  of  strain  inside  the  anal  canal the major veins that surround  the  anal canal swell  up  and  protrude  out, which eventually results into pain  and  discomfort  during  bowel  movements.

Modern medicines acts upon symptoms and reduces the pain or decreases the acidity in the stomach superficially which is not sufficient to treat the root cause. Whereas, Ayurvedic treatment cures the problem of piles by treating the root cause completely and naturally. 

Powerful combination of vital and potent herbs such as Sunthi, Marich,  Pimpali, Trivrat, Tankan, Shubhra, Sajjikshar, Nagkeshar, Guggul, Surankand/ elephant foot, Ghansar,  Haridra remove  the  toxins  from  body, aid  in  digestion,  reduces  swelling  and  pain,  helps  in  healing  the  wounds, stops  bleeding, reduces  burning  sensation  and  provides relief from  the  discharge  of  pus.

These mild laxative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, digestive and natural antibiotic herbs ensures  proper  functioning  of  the  digestive  system by eliminating toxins, strengthen the intestine, evacuate bowel naturally, stops bleeding, reduces swelling and pain at the anal region. Thus, Ayurvedic treatment is the best treatment for piles as this completely cures piles from the roots and is totally free of side effects and hence better than any other medicine or treatment.

Piles- Do’s and Don’ts


·      Drink plenty of water (approx. 5 lts /day).
·      Consume green leafy vegetables and fruits.
·      Sleep well in nights.
·      Maintain Anal hygiene.
·      Maintain healthy weight.
·      Get help of Ayurvedic remedies for piles
·      Get some walk regularly


·         Sitting for a long duration on hard surface.
·         Eating dry food.
·         Smoking.
·         Putting pressure during defecation.
·         Eating Non-Vegetarian food.
·         Consumption of canned food.
·         Afternoon nap (diseased, aged and children are exempted).
·         Eating stale food.
visit here: Piles Treatment

Saturday 7 September 2019

How Ayurveda Helps In Management And Control Of Diabetes And Its Symptoms?

Diabetes: An Overview

Diabetes has become a global problem in spite of advances in modern science. It has become the seventh leading cause of death, and a major cause of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, infertility, lower limb amputation, and blindness. 

Diabetes mellitus is a group of related diseases in which the body is unable to regulate the amount of sugar, specifically glucose, in the blood. It is characterized by hyperglycemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin.

The main causes of Diabetes are sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, sleeping in daytime, improper food habits, and excess intake of oily, spicy, sweet, fermented and dairy food products.

Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2

There are two types of diabetes mellitus. Type I, previously known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, occurs when a person’s immune system destroys the pancreatic beta cells. As a result little or no insulin gets produced. In order to maintain balanced blood glucose levels, patients with this condition require insulin injections. Type I accounts for only 10% of cases.

Whereas, the majority 90% of cases of diabetes mellitus is type 2 diabetes.  Formerly known as ‘non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus’, in type 2, the pancreas continues to produce insulin, but the body develops a resistance to it.

Ayurvedic Treatment Approach to Diabetes Mellitus 

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes mainly focuses on correcting the lifestyle through changes in diet and physical activity.

The healing system of Ayurveda offers valuable wisdom and guidance that can help to treat and manage this complex disease especially when these changes are made early on in the development of the disease. In fact, when early intervention is made with diet, people with pre-diabetes can prevent development of the disease itself.

Scientific measurement proves that herbs can successfully assist in the treatment of diabetes, but changing dietary and lifestyle habits are paramount. By addressing the physical, emotional and spiritual beliefs that lead to an imbalance, herbs become a complementary support to a greater Ayurvedic treatment plan that affects wellness and healing on every level.

Following herbs have been proven to be effectual in the management and stabilization of blood glucose levels as well as in treatment of madhu meha.

Gurmar has an astringent quality and is one of the primary herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat blood glucose imbalances. It prevents diabetes from getting worse. It helps control the appetite and reduces sugar cravings. It also calms and soothes the liver and pancreas.

Cinnamon helps to reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and heart disease. Also, it has tested efficacy to successfully balance blood glucose levels.

Fenugreek is highly useful in the treatment of madhu meha. The seeds in particular have an affinity for regulating insulin. It is useful in reducing fat and regulating glucose metabolism as well.

Aloe Vera is a potent and valuable herb in the regulation of blood glucose levels. It regulates sugar and fat metabolism.

Shilajit is described as “one of the wonder medicines of Ayurveda”. It possesses great curative powers and is considered capable of treating many diseases including diabetes. Shilajit supports the pancreas in insulin secretion and so is beneficial in treating diabetes effectively.

Jambu is an esteemed drug for diabetes mellitus. It is one of the important anti-diabetic drugs due to its hypoglycemic agents.

Diet and Lifestyle advice:  
  •  Keep a regular check on your blood glucose level, blood pressure, and cholesterol
  • Lose weight or stay at a healthy weight
  • Eat healthy and fresh,
  • Avoid fermented, sweet, spicy, oily and canned food products,
  • Stay active by performing any physical activity (aerobics, yoga, brisk walk etc.)
  •  Quit smoking and alcoholism
  • Feel good and have more energy 
Visit Here: Obesity treatment

Saturday 27 April 2019

What Causes Leucoderma? Is it a Genetic or Hereditary Disease?

Looking for the best and most effective LeucodermaTreatment? Many of us may be are tired of finding the best treatment solution for this skin disorder of white spots, but are not able to do so. In order to get the best results it is important to first understand the disease thoroughly and its management through natural ayurvedic supplements.

Leucoderma: Chronic Skin Disorder

Leucoderma, also referred as vitiligo, is an autoimmune disorder which generally appears due to inactivity of melanocytes cells. The term leucoderma itself means white (leuco) skin (derma) and as the same suggests, the condition is characterized by occurrence of white patches on the skin due to loss of melanin (the pigment responsible for the color of skin, hair, and eyes).

In the beginning, small white spots can be noticed which slowly develops into white patches. The pale patches become whiter as it progresses by time. Later, these spots get enlarge and merge together to form much larger and wider patches on the skin. Initially, the skin of the face, hands, legs, and neck are affected which later spreads all over the body margined with hyper-pigmented skin. It is found to be more prominent in females rather than males, and in people below the age of 40 years.

Causes and Symptoms

Identifying leucoderma is very easy but it's very difficult to get to know about the common causes and the symptoms in the first go. According to various dermatologists, it may occur due to acute mental stress, worrying, burn injuries, defective perspiration mechanism, ailments like typhoid fever, worms or parasites in the alimentary canal, depression, liver dysfunction, blood impurities, sunburn, toxins, acute or chronic disorders related to digestive system, injuries, hereditary and by excessive intake of vitamin C. These are some of the major causes which eventually result in imbalance of vata, pitta, and kapha in the body.

The aggravation of pitta dosha is considered to be the prominent cause as it hinders the production of melanin and develops the condition of leucoderma. Moreover, consuming odd food combinations is another major reason for the occurrence of white spots.

Apart from de-pigmentation of skin, premature greying of hairs, hair fall, the hair on the affected skin turning into white, increased sensitivity towards cold and skin irritation on exposure to sunlight are the other significant symptoms of Leucoderma.

Leucoderma: Hereditary or Genetic Disorder?

Various studies have shown that Leucoderma can also be caused due to variations in particular genes combinations. It can pass from one generation to another and sustains the risk of infestation to the next generation. In some cases, if either of the parents is suffering from leucoderma can increase the risk, dramatically.

According to expert dermatologists, people experiencing white spots with the hereditary condition are likely to have fewer chances of getting it cured completely. However, by the time Ayurveda has developed miraculous remedies and treatments to cure skin disorder of white spots right away from roots which are also believed to be the best way of getting treatment solution without any harmful side effects.

Best Ayurvedic Leucoderma Treatment:

Ayurveda offers highly powerful and herbal Leucoderma Treatment to treat this skin disorder from its roots, so you could enjoy amazing results permanently. Various traditional ayurvedic formulations are used to restore the color of the skin naturally. Vital extracts from various herbs and spices aid in restoring the pigments in the skin naturally.

The combination of therapeutic herbs offers high-grade ayurvedic treatment to cure leucoderma from roots and prevents it from spreading further. The healing properties of these herbs pacify the hormonal imbalance, rectify problems of the digestive system, eliminate impurities and toxins, cleanse the blood and remove the worms from the alimentary canal effectively. It is also beneficial to boost the immune system, relax mind, and to regain the normal skin pigmentation and get your smooth, glowing natural skin back.

Recommendations and Suggestions:

  1. Make healthy dietary changes. Avoid excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, sugar, polished rice, and processed food products.
  2.  Also, strictly avoid consumption of opposite food items such as fish and milk together.
3.   Eat a balanced diet containing seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits to live and stay healthy in the long run.
  1. Do not expose your body to extreme (cold or hot) temperatures.
  2. Drink plenty of water and have sound sleep.
  3. Manage stress. Keep yourself calm.