Tuesday 24 December 2019

What is The Most Effective Diet To Avoid Fatty Liver Disease?

Fatty liver disease, or hepatic steatosis, refers to excessive fat accumulation in the liver. Fatty liver is of two types: alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It tends to damage the liver, inhibiting it from removing toxins and producing bile for the digestive system, which are the most important functions of the liver.

Obesity, and other medical conditions such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes, are risk factors for the development of Fatty Liver Disease.  In the long run it can cause inflammation and injury to the liver cells, therefore, increases the risk towards more serious conditions like scarring of the liver, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. 

Fatty Liver Disease: Symptoms

Fatty liver has no particular associated symptoms. Some of the common symptoms may include fatigue or abdominal discomfort. Diagnosis may show an enlarged liver. Excess fat in the liver can cause inflammation, which can further cause symptoms including:

·           Fatigue
·           Confusion
·           Abdominal pain
·           Weight loss
·           Loss of appetite
·           Physical weakness

In severe cases, there are chances of developing an enlarged abdomen, jaundice and a tendency to bleed more easily.

Fatty Liver Disease: Causes

The most important cause of this disease seems to be obesity or diabetes as over 65% of people with diabetes also look to be reporting fatty liver. Another common cause of fatty liver disease is alcoholism or binge-drinking. Here are some other reasons that may cause the condition:

·           Obesity
·           Diabetes
·           Eating a high-fat and high-sugar diet
·           Genetic inheritance
·           Rapid weight loss
·           Side effects of medication
·           High levels of fat in the blood

Fatty liver diet: What should one eat to cure fatty liver disease?

Dietary habits are significantly associated with health state. A correct diet, associated with a healthy lifestyle may in fact contribute to the maintenance of a healthy human body and may help cure both alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases naturally. 

Eating plenty of good quality fruits and vegetables provides adequate nutrition to your body and also help you reduce the amount of fat. Consuming a low-fat diet rich in vitamin E, vitamin D, and Omega 3 fatty acids, such as, fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil and fish and almost no meat could help cure fatty liver disease along with physical exercises. 

What foods should I limit or avoid?

What should you eat or avoid depends on the type of liver disease and other health problems you have.
·           Sodium: You may need to decrease the amount of sodium in your diet if your body is retaining fluids. When you retain fluids, you will have swelling in your body. Avoid taking table salt, meats, canned vegetables and juice, frozen dinners, soya products, and soups.

·           Liquids: You may also have to drink fewer liquids if you have swelling. Liquids include water, milk, juice, soda, and other beverages.

·           Alcohol: Avoid alcohol because it may make your liver disease worse.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Fatty Liver Disease:

According to the Ayurvedic system, the disease is caused by imbalances between the three types of doshas – vata, pitta and kapha.  It prescribes the treatment of liver problems like fatty liver with a combination of dietary and lifestyle modifications and herbal remedies. Aim of the treatment is the correction of vitiated Pitha, Dhatwagnis and removal of blockage of subtle channels which carry medas or fat tissue.

Vital herbs such as triphala, giloy, guduchi, haldi, haritaki, neem, bhumyamalaki, amalaki, katuki, lauha bhasma, bhringaraja, pippali, bibhitaki, have been proven to be highly effective in cure of liver disorders. These herbs are very useful in maintaining the health of liver and other body organs as well.

When taken as prescribed these herbs in effective combination rectify liver ailments, remove excessive accumulated fat in the liver, regulate blood flow, eliminate toxins, boost immunity, and reduce inflammation. The combination is also helpful in treatment of jaundice, anaemia, hepatitis, gall bladder stones, and loss of appetite.