Saturday 24 November 2018

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Friday 7 September 2018

What is Vitiligo and Cure for Leucoderma Vitiligo

Vitiligo (Shwitra) is a chronic (Deergha Roga) and should be treated immediately. It is known to be possibly an autoimmune disease, where it is said that body’s immune system mistakenly starts destroying its own melanocytes present in the skin which results into depigmentation of skin. Disorder of the immune system can lead the body to react and begin to lose pigment in the skin.

Irregular patches of white spots can be gradually seen throughout various body parts such as near mouth, eyes, on hands, feet, neck and areas having direct exposure of sunrays which later combine to form broader patches all over the body by the time and in absence of proper treatment. However, every white spot is not a vitiligo, other conditions such as dandruff motley, white dandruff etc are often confused by patients and even non-specialist.

This phenomenon of vitiligo however can occur due to other various factors also like excessive intake of vitamin C, eating together food of opposite nature (Fish and Milk), gastric disorders, hereditary conditions, chronic liver dysfunctions, impurities of blood, severe stress, long term presence of parasites in the alimentary canal etc. Each patient responds to different degrees and time in the ayurvedic treatment. The response of the disease in ayurvedic treatment depends on the condition of immune system. Vitiligo on the scalp may affect hair color, leaving white spots or streaks, and thus affect facial and body hair.

Sanjivani Ayurvedashram has brought you a natural medicine to cure vitiligo from roots. This herbal supplement is scientifically proven for its capability to produce pigmentation in areas lacking color. Comprised of natural herbs like chiraita, nagkesar, Khadira, bakuchi, bhallataka, mulaka, daruharidra, aragvadha, haritaki etc it purifies blood from impurities, removes toxins, harmonises hormonal imbalance and eradicates parasites from the body. This ayurvedic medication when consumed as prescribed strengthens immune system, reduces stress, corrects digestion, rejuvenates skin tissues and promotes growth of melanin to cover white spots and treat it permanently. 

Being a tested and approved ayurvedic herbal medicine it works magically to reduce white spots just after few weeks and also helps you to get your naturally glowing, smooth, spotless and wonderful skin back naturally. As it is an ayurvedic treatment it doesn’t gives you any harmful side effects and gently works on your body and skin.

Monday 6 August 2018

डायबिटीज का होगा जड़ से खात्मा, करनी होगी सिर्फ एक कॉल

डायबिटीज सिर्फ एक बिमारी नहीं बल्कि एक जानलेवा खतरा भी है जिससे छुटकारा पाने के लोग कई तरह के नुस्खे और दवाईया अपनाते है लेकिन फिर भी कोई फर्क नहीं दिखाई देता है. आजकल यह बिमारी इतनी आम हो गयी है की हर 5 में से 3 व्यक्ति इससे जूझ रहा है. अगर आप भी इस रोग से ग्रस्त है और इससे जल्द से जल्द छुटकारा पाना चाहते है तो संजीवनी अयुर्वेदाश्रम आपके लिए लाये है Diab Klinic, यह बरसो के अनुसंधान और अध्ययन से बनायीं गयी एक 100% आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है जो न सिर्फ आपके ब्लड सुगर लेवल को नियंत्रित करता है बल्कि इसके दुष्प्रभावो को भी कम करता है. इसके नियमित इस्तेमाल से आप स्वस्थ्य और सामान्य जीवन बिता सकते है. तो जल्द ही घर बैठे दवा आर्डर करे. अधिक जानकारी के लिए अभी call करे 9871705436.

डायबिटीज एक तेज़ी से फैलता हुआ रोग है जिसका ठीक से इलाज न होने पर यह आपके शारीर के दुसरे अंगो पर गहरा दुष्प्रभाव डाल सकता है और उनको पूरी तरह से निष्क्रिय बना सकता है. ज़्यादातर लोगो को तो पता भी नहीं चलता की उन्हें डायबिटीज है या वो इसके शुरुवाती लक्षणों जैसे शारीर में कमजोरी आना, जल्दी थकान होना, ज्यादा भूख लगना, मुंह सूखना, आँखों की रौशनी जाना, घाव का जल्दी ठीक न होना, बार-बार पेशाब आना, खुजली और जलन आदि को अनदेखा कर देते है यह सोच कर की उन्हें तो डायबिटीज कभी हो ही नहीं सकता. पर आपकी यह धारणा कभी भी गलत हो सकती है, इसलिए बहुत ज़रूरी है की अगर आपको मधुमेह के लक्षण महसूस हो रहे है तो आप इसकी तुरत ही जांच कराये.

यह खतरनाक बिमारी होने पर शारीर का मेटाबोलिक रेट और प्रतिरोधक छमता कम हो जाती है जिससे दूसरी अन्य बीमारियों के होने का खतरा बढ़ जाता है जैसे ब्लड प्रेशर की समस्या होना, किडनी इन्फेक्शन, आँखों का अंधापन, हार्ट अटैक आदि. इसके इलाज में किसी भी प्रकार की लापरवाही न बरते. तो आईये Diab Klinic के बारे में और जानकारी लेते है.

डायबिटीज का सफल और सम्पूर्ण इलाज: Diab Klinic
Diab Klinic कई वर्षो से आयुर्वेद में इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली जानी मानी आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है जो शतप्रतिशत प्रकृति की अनमोल व प्रभावशाली जडिबुटीयो जैसे विजयसार, शिलाजीत, नीम, करेला, मेथी, हल्दी, गुडमार, गुडूची, जामुन बीज, पलाश, बेल पत्र, चिरायता, अर्जुन आदि का अनोखा मिश्रण है जो ब्लड सुगर को नियंत्रण में रखने में मदद करता है और इसका प्रभाव कम कर शारीर को कुशलतापूर्वक दूसरी बिमोरियो से भी बचाता है.

नियम अनुसार Diab Klinic का रोजाना इस्तेमाल करने से आपके पैंक्रियास में पाई जाने वाली बीटा सेल्स सक्रिय हो कर इन्सुलिन पर्याप्त मात्रा में बनाने लगती है जिससे ब्लड सुगर का लेवल घटकर नियंत्रण में आ जाता है. यह रक्त में बढ़े हुए Cholesterol & Triglycerides को भी कम करता है. इसमें मौजूद प्रबल और फायदेमंद जडिबुटीया पूरे स्वास्थ्य में सुधार कर तंत्रिकाओ, हृदय, रक्त वहिकायो, आँखों और गुर्दों की भी सुरक्षा करती है.

मधुमेह के रोगियों को Diab Klinic के उचित इस्तेमाल के साथ-साथ नियमित रूप से खान-पान में सावधानी रखनी चाहिए, खाने में हरी सब्जियों का प्रयोग करे और मीठी, वसायुक्त, तेलिये चीजों जैसे ब्रेड, फ़ास्ट फ़ूड, चावल, चीकू, शकरकंदी, आम, केला, अन्नानास आदि का परहेज़ कर खुद को इनसे दूर रखे. रोजाना व्यायाम करे और देखे जल्द ही आपकी डायबिटीज कण्ट्रोल में आकर आपको फिर से सेहतमंद और स्वास्थ्य से भरपूर जीवनशैली व्यतित करने का मौका मिलेगा. तो अभी ऊपर दिए गए नंबर पर call करे और सुखमयी सेहतमंद जीवन का भरपूर आनंद उठाये. याद रखे Diab Klinic एक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है इसका किसी भी प्रकार का कोई भी दुष्प्रभाव आपकी सेहत पर नहीं पड़ता चाहे आप इसको कितने भी लम्बे समय तक इस्तेमाल करे.

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Monday 30 July 2018

सिर्फ 7 दिन में सफ़ेद दाग का जड़ से सफाया, यह अचूक आयुर्वेदिक दवा करेगी सफल इलाज

सफ़ेद दाग का रोग कोई सामाजिक अभिशाप नहीं है. दुसरे रोगों की तरह यह भी एक शारीरिक विकार है जिससे आपको घबराने की ज़रूरत नहीं है, यह एक पूर्ण रूप से ठीक होने वाली बीमारी है, इसे छुपाये नहीं बल्कि इसका सम्पूर्ण और सफल आयुर्वेदिक इलाज कराये. सफ़ेद दाग एक आम बिमारी है जिसका आयुर्वेद में सफल इलाज मौजूद है, यह उपचार आपके सभी सफ़ेद दागो को सामान्य रंगत प्रदान कर आपको सफ़ेद दागो से छुटकारा दिलाता है. मात्र कुछ दिनों के इस्तेमाल से ही अप इससे पूरी तरह से निजात पा सकते है और वो भी बिना किसी दुष्प्रभाव के क्यूंकि यह एक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है जो की प्रकृति की अनमोल जडिबुटीयो को पर्याप्त मात्रा में एकसाथ मिलाकर बनायीं गयी है जिसका आपके शारीर पर कोई प्रतिकूल प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता है.

यह एक ऑटोइम्यून बिमारी है जिसका समय पर इलाज करना बहुत ज़रूरी है. इस रोग में त्वचा को रंगत प्रदान करने वाली कोशिकाए “ मेलेनोसाइट्स ”  नष्ट हो जाती है जिसके कारणवश त्वचा के ऊपर सफ़ेद रंग के दाग होने लगते है जो की धीरे धीरे आपस में मिलकर बड़े सफ़ेद धब्बो का रूप ले लेते है. हालाँकि यह कोई प्राणघातक रोग नहीं है और ना ही ये छूने से फैलता है परन्तु यह आपकी सुन्दरता को नष्ट कर देता है जिससे लोग भयभीत रहते है.

विटामिन C की अधिकता, पेट में लम्बे से समय से कीडे (परजीवी) होना, लीवर की खराबी, खून का साफ़ न होना, अनुवांशिकता और दूध के साथ नमक या मछली का प्रयोग करना सफ़ेद दाग होने के मुख्य कारण है.  आमतौर सफ़ेद दाग ही समस्या हाथ, पाँव, कान या उसके पीछे, गर्दन, घुटने या चेहरे से शुरू होकर इलाज वक़्त पर ना होने से पूरे शरीर पर फैलती जाती है.

संजीवनी अयुर्वेदाश्रम बरसो के अनुसन्धान और परिक्षण के बाद आपके लिए लाये है अभी तक की सबसे लोकप्रिय और रामबाण इलाज जो सफ़ेद दागो को तेज़ी से ख़तम करता है, उनको वापस से प्राकृतिक रंगत प्रदान करके और शारीर की अन्दर के toxins को दूर कर खून को साफ़ करता है. सफ़ेद दाग होने के कारणों को जड से दूर कर यह आयुर्वेदिक हर्बल मेडिसिन आपको हमेशा के लिए सफ़ेद दागो से निजात दिलाता है.

यह एक अचूक आयुर्वेदिक दवा है जिसका डॉक्टर से सलाह के बाद निर्धारित रूप से इस्तेमाल कर आप जल्द ही सफ़ेद दागो से मुक्ति पा सकते है. पूरी जानकारी के लिए और अभी डॉक्टर की सलाह लेने के लिए call करे 9871705436.

Saturday 7 July 2018

Fat. Fatter. Dead

Literally yes, being obese or overweight can claim many years of your life and can even cost you your exclusive life. Every year millions of people die around the world just because of obesity. Studies have shown that people with extra kilos of weight making them overweight and obese die earlier than their expected lifespan. People with excessive fat die around one year before and other moderately obese cut down about three years of span from their lives.
Even by being warned by doctors from time to time to spend a healthy life with improved eating habits and regular exercise people do not take it seriously and keep on eating junk and unhealthy food which keeps on adding piles of fat. Living lazy life without any sort of exercise leads to building of fatty cells profusely which makes the body unable to function smoothly and properly.
According to researchers, these unhealthy habits make people obese and keep on adding to their weight, leading to various health risks and complications. Obesity in itself is a health disorder which initiates a chain of disorders in the body. It can alone cause multiple risks in the body such as heart failure, strokes, cancer, liver failure, diabetes, blood pressure problems, osteoarthritis, breathing problems and many others.
Day by day increasing percentage of people suffering from obesity has made it a global health concern. Not even adults but children of younger age groups are getting affected by it easily. With the increasing weight the risk of health disorders and death also increases. The risk of premature death rises to up to three times if a person is obese or overweight.
If you feel you are one of them and searching for best treatment to curb weight gain and start reducing excessive fat from the body without any side effects then Obyslim is the sure-fire cure to lose your weight naturally via sweat and urine. Its regular orderly use as prescribed promotes metabolic rate in order to enhance rate of melting excessive fat globules and charges you up with loads of energy.
Composed of natural herbs Obyslim is rich in antioxidants which enable body to reduce bad cholesterol. With other medicinal herbs like Agnimanth, Arjuna, Triphala, Babool, Mustak and Katuki it gently removes deep seated toxins from the body, rejuvenates and detoxifies the whole system and corrects metabolic fire. The remarkable properties of these herbs work tremendously to burn fat cells rigorously. You will start feeling the changes within yourself just after few days of using herbal preparation of obyslim. This ayurvedic supplement also curbs the desire to gorge on fatty eatables and beverages which make you lose weight quickly.
As it is a natural remedy Obyslim is free from harmful chemical and preservatives. It works magically to shred off excessive fat naturally and boosts your inner health. This is a high quality product by using which you can get desired toned body shape. Practising physical exercise for around half an hour regularly and eating healthy diet is recommended to get improved results.    

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Ayurvedic Treatment For Skin Diseases

Having a naturally beautiful, smooth and glowing skin is what everyone dreams of but due to various factors skin becomes dry, patchy, dull and imperfect, according to ayurveda imbalance of threes doshas of vata pitta and kapha are responsible for bringing skin diseases, where pitta dosa is the main suspect. Pitta symbolizes heat and fire and aggravation of pitta may cause various skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo (Leucoderma), sunburn, blisters, acne, skin sores, cracks, dryness, itching, rashes etc.

Causes of skin disorder
Other than pitta aggravation, skin problem signifies poor health, poor diet (odd food combinations), indigestion, stress, caffeine, drug or alcohol abuse, constipation, lack of exercise, poor blood circulation, blood impurities, liver malfunction, dehydration and hormonal imbalance. Pollution of air, sun damage, high intake of fast food and oily food and lack of exercise are other reasons behind skin diseases.

Natural Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Disorder
Sanjivani Ayurvedashram offers best and proven ayurvedic herbal treatment for skin diseases which eradicates the root cause rendering permanent relief from serious skin disorders like leucoderma, psoriasis, eczema and others. The medicinal herbs such as aloe vera, neem, amla, brahmi, haritaki, sandal wood, turmeric, kesar and tulsi promotes blood circulation, removes toxins, purifies blood, reduces inflammation, sores, blisters and spots, enhances functioning of digestive system and provides nourishment to the skin.  The cooling effect of these herbs nullifies eczema and hydrates skin. Rich in antibacterial and antimicrobial properties this treatment soothes skin, cures acne, blemishes, fungal infections and chronic skin diseases (Psoriasis patches).

This formulation of traditional extracts of pure herbs gives your skin ultimate radiance and glow. Beneficial in removing plaques of psoriatic skin and helpful in curing vitiligo by blood purification and melanin production this medicine is getting popular around the world day by day.

The regular use of this treatment from Sanjivani can bring you amazing results by making your skin naturally beautiful, flawless, radiant and perfect.

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Thursday 17 May 2018

What Is A Good Treatment For Leucoderma?

Today there are various options available in the market to treat skin disorder of Leucoderma, however research has shown that a large percentage of population is heading towards practising Ayurvedic treatment worldwide as this science of healing promotes phenomena of curing naturally and without any sort of harm or side effects even on prolonged use.

We at Sanjivani Ayurvedashram practice and follow principles of Ayurveda rigorously from the core so that we can spread happiness, health and wellness throughout the World.

Herbal treatment from Sanjivani is 100% natural, safe and without any side effects. The combined formula of medicinal herbs, herbominarals and sterile products (swarna bhasma) altogether brings forward an unmatchable treatment solution to regenerate and activate pigment cells (melanin) responsible to give natural color to the skin. The active herbs also work to cleanse the toxins from the body and skin, improve digestion, eradicate worms from the digestive tract, purify blood and harmonize balance between vata, pitta and kapha.

Regular use of herbal medicine under proper consultation and prescription of doctor helps to remove symptoms of white spots gradually and stops them from merging together and spreading in the form of wider patches further. Being a non- contagious disorder it doesn’t spreads by getting in touch with the patient however if not treated well in time it can spread from small spots to larger white patches throughout the body of the sufferer.

After thousands of years of research and development Sanjivani has been able to develop its ayurvedic herbal treatment for Leucoderma which works magically to remove white spots naturally and helps you get back your natural, smooth and glowing skin back. Its herbal contents starts working as soon as you start using it and makes the lesions of white spot diminish by time and helps in regeneration of pigment cells so that skin gets back is natural pigmentation naturally. Its continuous use doesn’t allow de-pigmentation to occur again.

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Monday 7 May 2018

Ayurvedic Treatment For Leucorrhoea To Prevent Vaginal Infection

Shveta Pradara is another name of Leucorrhoea in ayurveda, caused due to impaired Kapha dosha and Rasa dhatu in the body. Common disorder found in females Leucorrhoea refers to experiencing discharge of thick whitish sticky fluid from vagina sometimes accompanied with foul odour. It can be very frustrating and uncomfortable as it always keeps the vaginal area wet with unpleasant smell.

The consistent secretion of fluid vitiates the normal vaginal PH balance of 3.5 - 4.5 inviting various vaginal infections and STDs due to presence of bacteria and yeast. Bacterial infections take place due to replacement of healthy bacteria with unhealthy ones which causes vaginitis, condition of inflammation and pain in vagina.  Yeast infections can also incur with inflammation and redness, accompanied with burning sensation, micturition, pain and discomfort.

To prevent build up of moisture in crotch area in order to avoid vaginal infections it is recommended by doctors to use clean cotton undergarments and avoid wearing skin fitted clothes. It is also advisable to avoid use of perfumes or deodorants as they can vitiate PH balance, keep the toilet clean with disinfectant, make douches (vaginal wash) after using toilets and consult a doctor before the condition gets worse.

Best treatment to cure Leucorrhoea safely and from roots is through herbal and natural way of healing from Ayurvedic medicines. Majority of population have believe and faith in this age old  system of medicine which is based on extracting medicinal properties from the pure herbs and applying them in combination of modern science to cure the disorders and body ailments in the best way naturally without any side effects.

Based on the principles of ayurveda, Sexclinics offers highly effective medication for females which treats the disorder of white discharge and provides prompt relief from vaginal infections.  The herbal medication strengthens muscles and tissues of reproductive system, prevents excessive secretion of estrogen tp promote balance. The vital nutrients are helpful to remove toxins and balance PH level. The active herbs shatavari, neem, ashwagandha, ashoka, lodhra and nagkesar ensure reduction of blood impurities, improve blood circulation, prevent vaginal infections, and maintain PH balance.

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Friday 20 April 2018

What Are The Best And Natural Ways To Cure Leucoderma?

Leucoderma is a non contagious skin disease which refers to significant occurrence of white patches on skin due to loss of melanocytes. Skin gets its colour from pigment cells known as melanin and when the cells producing melanin are destructed the skin gets decoloured and white spots start appearing. Initially these white spots are generally found on face, neck, hands elbow and feet which later can spread anywhere on skin as broad white patches if not treated well.

Leucoderma also known as Vitiligo is very common nowadays and can occur at any age. There are multiple reasons which are responsible for destruction of melanocytes, some of them are as follows:

  •          Consuming together food products of different nature (milk and fish) 
  •          Liver dysfunctions 
  •          Impurities of blood 
  •          Accumulation of Toxins in the body 
  •          Stress 
  •          Genetic Disorder 
  •          Presence of worms in digestive system

If early symptoms of tiny white spot has been observed it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor and get a treatment to prevent it from spreading all over the body.

According to Ayurveda aggravation of Pitta under the skin is main cause of bringing de-pigmentation to the skin. Pitta dosha refers to accumulation of toxins deep beneath the skin due to which loss of pigment cells occur. Following the principle of Ayurveda Sanjivani Ayurvedashram has developed best natural treatment for curing the problem of Leucoderma.

The natural pure herbs of best quality are used to bring 100% results such as Haritaki, Aloe vera, Pippali, Kesar, Amalaki, Chavya, Haridra, Mandoor Bhasma, Haldi and others works towards the root cause  and eradicates the toxins from body. These medicinal herbs are also useful in promoting digestive enzymes and the proper functioning of whole digestive system as poor digestive system is another main cause of Leucoderma.

The herbal formula of Treatment from Sanjivani is a boon for leucoderma sufferers as it beholds the secret of getting your natural, smooth, shiny and youthful skin back without any sort of ill effects. This treatment if used regularly as per the prescription of doctor brings the white patches to their natural colour and stops it from spreading all over the body.

It is advisable to not to take stress, improve dietary habits, exercise daily, avoid consuming alcohol and smoking cigarettes, keep yourself hydrated, avoid hard cosmetics and try to take sunbath in the morning for 15- 20 minutes.

Friday 13 April 2018

Piles Treatments - What Is the Best Treatment for Piles?

Most of the Piles sufferers look forward for a sort of treatment which can give them 100% effective results with less or no pain and minimise the chances of recurrence to zero, if you are one of them then you don’t have to worry as Sanjivani Ayurvedahram is amongst the best known brand names known for curing piles from decades naturally and without any adverse effects.

Condition of piles is very uncomfortable, embarrassing and painful which shows a great impact on your daily life routine. It can cause irritation, itching, bleeding and swelling in the anal region which can bring lack of interest and excessive bleeding may cause weakness, anaemia and other various health disorders making it very important to consult immediately to a doctor and get a treatment without any ignorance.

There are number of online and offline treatments available in the market for piles such as over the counter (OTC) treatment, these are easily available and can be really effective in some cases but only on temporary basis and can have adverse effects also. Another option available is of surgery which is being successfully used to remove piles of grade 3 and 4. However most of the people are petrified of going under the scissor as it is extremely painful and chances of recurrence remains.

                          Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles at Sanjivani Ayurvedahram

Studies have shown that ayurvedic treatment is extremely helpful to cure piles completely and in eradicating the root factors causing piles so it doesn’t comes back. Its promising and effective results have made it popular and best treatment choice amongst consumers. Natural herbs target all the factors which are somehow related and are the causing agents of piles in the body such as poor digestive system, imbalanced stimulation of digestive enzyme, toxins, poor tissue health and others, medicinal properties of the herbs like Haritaki, Triphala, Aloevera juice, Nagkesar, Neem, wheat grass, Amla, Witch Hazel, Guggul, Vibhitaki, Arjuna and Turmeric restores hormonal balance, enhances functioning of digestive system to control constipation and diarrhoea, stops anal bleeding, removes toxins, improves blood circulation, inhibits growth of piles and helps in shrinking pile mass to remove them naturally.

Ksharsutra is another form treatment method practiced by doctors of Sanjivani to remove stubborn piles naturally. It is also recommended to cure fissures and fistula safely.

100% workable treatments from Sanjivani Ayurvedashram work upon the principles of Ayurveda in giving its consumers healthier and active life ahead. It is also advisable to improve your dietary habits to make your stool softer and easier to pass without any strain, avoid sitting for long hours, reduce consumption of alcohol and smoking cigarettes, drink plenty of water, practice exercise and keep yourself active.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

What is diabetes? How does diabetes affect the body?

It is important to know and understand diabetes thoroughly before you start its medication and help yourself to overcome it. So, What is Diabetes? It is a condition in which pancreas in the body loses its ability to produce enough insulin as required or the body doesn’t functions well to utilise the insulin produce in efficient manner.

Insulin is needed to let pass the glucose from bloodstream to the cells in order to release energy but in the diabetic condition body becomes unable to produce insulin or utilise the insulin produced due to which the sugar level keeps on increasing in higher levels than normal.

How does Diabetes affect the body and organs?

The increased level of sugar in bloodstream may cause multiple organ failure and severely affects their functioning.

  •        Condition of high levels of blood glucose doubles the risk of Cardiac arrest and elevates High Blood Pressure as the fat deposition in blood vessels can put strain on nerves and restricts flow of blood properly which ultimately causes heart strokes or heart failure. 
  •          Improper blood flow may decrease sensation in legs and hands to the extreme which tends to prevent body from sensing any harm or infections to the body. 
  •     Condition of increased blood sugar initiates high cholesterol problems leading to serious complications.

The Central Nervous System:

  •          Condition of Diabetes brings damage to nerves which makes body incapable of sensing dangers and makes you more susceptible to injuries. 
  •          Healing injuries becomes slow due to poor blood circulation in the body. 
  •          High glucose levels increases the risk of diabetic retinopathy which may lead to loss of vision or blindness gradually.

The Urinary System:
  •         Kidneys are adversely affected and can be damaged due to high blood sugar; in extreme cases kidney failure can also take place as the blood vessels of kidney gets damaged. 
  •          Diabetes makes kidney incapable of filtering wastes from blood and removes water from the body which results into serious fatal infections.

The Endocrine, Excretory and Digestive Systems: 
  •       Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) is a dangerous condition promoted by diabetes and if left untreated may cause coma or death. Symptoms of DKA include extreme thirst, frequent urination, nausea, dry mouth, abdominal pain and fatigue. 
  •          Vomiting, heartburn and nausea can also be experienced due to stomach’s inability to get empty completely due to high glucose levels. Diarrhoea and constipation occur very frequently accompanied with pain and discomfort due to slow movement of food into small intestine.

How to cure Diabetes with Ayurveda?

For getting control over Diabetes ayurvedicexperts from Sanjivani Ayurvedashram have prepared 100% herbal medication with a blend of pure and unique herbs from nature. Herbs from this preparation actively participate to activate pancreas and stimulate insulin at the required level and also promotes functioning of organs to unitise the insulin produced at the optimum level and keeps you healthy and fit.

Herbal ingredients like neem, haldi, vijaysar, methi, bael, karela and ashwagandha from this preparation strengthens immune system, balances hormonal disorder and metabolic rate, nourishes body organs and prevents them from getting strokes and inhibits failure.

It is advisable to reduce sugar intake in all forms, avoid carbohydrate and starch rich food products and include balanced healthy diet with half an hour of exercise or yoga.

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Monday 2 April 2018

How to Cure Nocturnal Emission and Sexual Weakness Naturally?

Nocturnal Emission or Nightfall is a common condition found in men which refers to involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep in night. It is not a matter of worry till they occur in limited numbers of 3-4 times in a month, but yes a proper consultation and medication is needed if the number increases and you experience nightfall very frequently. The condition is more common in men of teenage or in early adulthood, however men of old age are also getting affected due to improper lifestyle.

Mostly men entering the age of puberty experience nightfall as a part of normal sexual development due to various hormonal changes, getting nocturnal emission in limited numbers is very healthy as it releases tension and stress out of the body and mind. The natural way of reducing the number of nightfall is to ejaculate more during normal sex.

Excessive ejaculation of semen may bring severe health issues such as physical weakness, mental fatigue, dizziness, joint pain, loss of eyesight, insomnia, memory problems and can be a leading cause of sexual weakness as it tends to lower sperm count and quality. It may also give a rise to the condition of Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction if not treated in time.

How to Naturally cure Nightfall and Sexual Weakness with Ayurveda?
Sanjivani Ayurvedashram offers natural treatment with ayurvedic herbs to cure male sexual disorders. It is a one spot centre to treat sexual diseases. The medication provided is a combination of multiple herbs with medicinal properties such as ashwagandha, shudh shilajeet, safed musli, kaali musli, kesar, jaiphal, pipal, kavach beej,  swaran bang, long , lauh bhasma and shatavari which effectively cures the body ailments and rejuvenates reproductive organ of males. The treatment also helps to regain the lost sexual power, strengthens the tissues of reproductive organ and enhances its functioning, energizes the whole body, stops involuntary discharge, increases fertility, boosts sperm count and quality and also increases sex drive.

The ayurvedic treatment from Sanjivani Ayurvedashram is made by clinical research of years and is 100% natural and safe to use, it doesn’t shows up any adverse effects even on prolonged use. The treatment offers amazing results to improve overall sexual health on regular use. It fills the body with energy, stamina and freshness by promoting blood circulation, balances hormonal changes and enhances the ability to perform.

With regular use of our medication it is also advisable to ignore and avoid the practices which are the leading causes of poor sexual health likewise practising masturbation very frequently, get out of reach to erotic contents to avoid erotic thoughts, perform meditation, eat nutritive and healthy diet, and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Monday 19 March 2018

Ayurvedic Treatment For Menstrual Cramps To Get Rid Of Painful Periods

Menstrual cycle may bring changes in internal functioning of the body. The hormonal changes due to the cycle may cause cramps and pain in the lower abdomen of a woman which may start a few hours or a day before occurrence and shall remain for few hours or may be extended to 24 hours.
Some females also experience cravings, nausea, vomiting, headaches, bloating, anxiety and mind swings alongwith cramps and pains but mostly the discomfort is not severe enough to disrupt daily life routine. However few females experience heavy flow and severe pain with discomfort which makes them to take off from daily routine tasks for one or two days.

What causes period pains?

Menstrual pain (Dysmenorrhoea) can occur due to the following factors:
  •      When the muscles of the uterus contracts or get tightens it brings cramps in the abdomen, lower back, stomach or even in legs, which may sometimes be accompanied with heaviness in pelvic area. 
  •          Hormonal imbalance i.e.; excess of estrogen in blood, deficiency of progesterone and serotonin 
  •          Thyroid abnormality 
  •           Ovarian Cyst 
  •          Stress

How to cure menstrual cramps naturally?
If you are suffering from acute period pain you are suggested to follow the ayurvedic treatment to get rid of painful menses naturally. Sanjivani Ayurvedhasram offers affordable, customized and most effective natural and herbal treatment to cure all problems related to periods. The treatment is ayurvedic in nature and constitutes of various medicinal herbs like Agastya, Salabmisri, Brahmi, Aparajita, Shatavari, Nilkadambika, Jyotishmati, Dirghwali, Jatamansi, Brahmadandi, Shankhpushpi, Buch, Unab, Kachnar, Ustukhuddus, Gurhal and Aloe Vera which maintains a balance in estrogen level, promotes blood circulation, decreases fatigue, anxiety, weakness and helps in eliminating irregularities in menses. These herbs also play an important role in making tissues of reproductive organs stronger and healthier.

It is also recommended to get plenty of rest, drink warm beverages (avoid cold drinks), exercise regularly, avoid alcoholism and smoking cigarettes, eat a healthy diet rich in proteins, fibres and omega 3 fatty acids, use pillows and heating pads to make yourself comfortable and warm. Massage is another effective way to cure pain.

Ginger, lemongrass and sesame seeds are also helpful in treating cramps.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Cancer

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is a disease of cervix, known as neck of the womb, it can be characterised by the unregulated mutation of cells. Cervix cancer is found in women which have become third leading cause of deaths around the world as it can be fatal when not treated in early stages.

The most common risk factor of cervical cancer is infection of HPV. Most women at some stage of life experience exposure to HPV but majorly the body clears them all by itself, in some cases when the body fails to do so the group of viruses may bring the condition of cancer. The disease commonly infects the women of 30- 45age, but women of younger age of 25 can also be at risk.

What are the factors causing Cervical Cancer?

  • ·         Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection 
  • ·         Sexually transmitted diseases 
  • ·         Multiple sexual partners, 
  • ·         Early sexual activity 
  • ·         Weak immune system 
  • ·         Smoking cigarette 
  • ·         Birth control pills

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

  • ·         Abnormal vaginal bleeding 
  • ·         Bleeding during sexual activity, after menopause or in between menstrual periods. 
  • ·         Heavy watery or bloody vaginal discharge accompanied with foul odour 
  • ·         Pelvic pain or back pain 
  • ·         Fatigue and loss of appetite

How to cure Cervical Cancer with Ayurvedic Treatment?
Ayurveda in the first step suggests for preventive measures which are giving HPV vaccination to young girls, practice safe sex and adapt modern techniques for regular checkups.  Natural and ayurvedic  medicinal herbs like Arogya-Vardhini, Triphala-Guggulu, Kanchnar-Guggulu, Punarnavadi-Guggulu, Mahamanjishthadi-Qadha, Chandraprabha-Vati, Ashokarishta, Ashoka, Daruharidra, Udumbar, Ulatkambal, Shalmali, Vasa, and Tandullya aims at treating cancerous tumors from the roots, prevents it from spreading and reduces the side effects of conventional treatment of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.

Including Vitamin A, B2, turmeric, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Nagbala, Suvarna-Bhasma and Heerak-Bhasma in your diet eliminates toxins, purifies blood, promotes blood circulation and strengthens the immunity of the body which ultimately helps in defeating the disease naturally and minimizes the chances of getting HPV infection.

Oncologists today have a great belief in ayurveda for wellness; they suggest ayurvedic medicines as an additional therapy to conventional ones to improve the overall health of the patient by reducing the adverse effects of conventional treatment and encourage self healing process.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Are you suffering from Psoriasis? Here are few suggestions to keep your condition stable!

What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a condition where the skin becomes dry and starts producing flakes of scaling skin with thick and dry plaques which appears like red patches on the skin accompanied with itching and pain. It is commonly found on the skin of elbow, knee and scalp. In winter season or in colder atmosphere the condition gets worse if compared to summer season. The production of dry flakes on skin is the result of rapid reproduction of the cells which may be caused due to various factors such as; overactive immune system, blood impurities, environmental changes, sunburn, stress, skin infection, unhealthy dietary habits, genetic disorders, physical injury, consumption of alcohol, side effects of medicines and pitta problems.

The disease can be very frustrating and irritating as itching and pain makes daily routine tasks difficult to perform. It is a not a communicable disease but it is commonly found in members of same family. Joints and nails also get affected by psoriasis.

According to Dermatologists, initial mild psoriatic spots can be treated with herbal creams, lotions, sprays and sometimes injections also, as the treatment depends upon individualism approach. Few suggestions to keep psoriasis stable are as follows:

  •          Keep your skin moisturized all the time with petroleum jelly  
  •       Soak your body in the water with added Epsom salt, oatmeal or Dead Sea salt, which will remove dry flakes and reduces itching and pain. 
  •          Avoid scratching your skin due to itching instead apply herbal lotions or creams as per the guidance of your dermatologist 
  •          Avoid munching on spicy and unhealthy processed food 
  •          Include green vegetables and fruits in your regular diet. 
  •          Due to disinfectant properties apple cider vinegar is used to treat psoriasis. 
  •          After application of moisturizers or ointment it is suggested to wrap it up to set it for longer period. 
  •          Avoid dairy products but it is advised to include ghee in your diet as it alleviates the dryness of skin 
  •          Stay away from smoking and alcoholism.

Ayurvedic treatment is a natural way for the remission of psoriasis. Natural herbs like kutki, neem chirayata, turmeric, guggul, giloe, garlic and manduka parni show very effective results to cure and stabilize psoriasis on use. Panchkarma therapies are another way of treatment in Ayurveda, which can give you relief from psoriasis permanently. Practicing pranayam reduces stress and releases negativity.

Sanjivani Ayurvedashram offers unique and complete ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis in Ghaziabad. The treatment involves application of herbal moisturizers or lotions with medicinal herbs, blood purification process and in some cases panchkarma therapies are also practised.

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